Sunny days and the livin’ is stressful
Sunny days and the livin’ is stressful

Sunny days and the livin’ is stressful

Sunny days both­er me. Obvi­ously they have their good points, like… it’s good to have a sunny day when you want to go on a hike, or sit on an out­door patio, or for like, a wedding.

But when my kids were little I used to find sunny days stress­ful, because I believed there was pres­sure on me to take the kids out­side to play. Or to the park, oh my god I hated going to the park. I used to take them there and then start look­ing at my watch, and after 45 minutes I was like, “Ok that’s it, we gotta go!” and I could­n’t wait to get home. Do not like the park, do not like oth­er par­ents, and do not like oth­er kids. I did like walk­ing to the lib­rary, because I would read aloud to them as we walked.

I like to read while I’m walk­ing, does any­body else do that?

Any­way I read so many books to the kids while we were walk­ing, Treas­ure Island, the Secret World of Og, Harry Pot­ter… and there was a sec­tion of forest we walked through en route to the lib­rary, and it was a total coin­cid­ence, but the coolest thing in the world that read­ing the Hob­bit we got to the chapter called Riddles in the Dark while walk­ing through that forest. It was so creepy, just the per­fect atmo­sphere… Any­way I pre­ferred stay­ing indoors and when it was rainy I had an excuse so I could relax about liv­ing up to soci­et­al expectations.

Nowadays I don’t like sunny days because inev­it­ably some jack­ass decides to take their plane out for a … ride? a spin? a zoom? I dunno what they call it but it does­n’t mat­ter. The point is it can be rainy and gloomy, and then all of a sud­den the sun comes out, and out come all the little planes to fly over my house and be LOUD while I am try­ing to record, and I have to stop and wait for them, and it’s usu­ally per­fectly cho­reo­graphed with the neigh­bours vacu­um­ing or using a chain saw or some damn thing. Stu­pid planes.