All I need is this ashtray, and this lamp…
All I need is this ashtray, and this lamp…

All I need is this ashtray, and this lamp…

Matt looked up a recipe for bread in the bread maker — yes we have a bread maker and still use it, though I prefer mak­ing it by hand, actu­ally. We’re sit­ting in the liv­ing room wait­ing for the per­son to come and give us an estim­ate on repla­cing our gut­ters, and he says the bread recipe he read calls for the flour to be sifted, coz then it’s less dense and the bread will rise nicely and be lighter.

Then I said how I wish I still had my mum’s sifter. I loved using the sifter and we just had a little one and it was so fun to do and it made a cool sound, and I wish I had that and the nut grinder, and my mum would always let me grind the wal­nuts or whatever for bak­ing, and then I was cry­ing coz I miss my mum’s sifter and my mum’s nut grinder and my mum.

Isn’t it funny the things that set you off?