following directions
following directions

following directions

I was giv­en as a gift a burn­er thingie: It is round, it has a switch, and gets warm. Now, the pack­aging says it’s for a scen­ted candle. You put the candle on the burn­er thingie and it warms up enough to send the scent around the room. I guess like aro­ma­ther­apy, or an air freshen­er, or some­thing. The pack­aging says in no uncer­tain terms that this is NOT to be used for a cup of cof­fee. I wanna know why they think it’s totally safe to put a candle, you know, made of WAX, on an elec­tric burn­er that, you know, heats up, which *could* have a cer­tain effect on a candle, made of WAX… but you know, don’t you dare put a cup of cof­fee on there to keep warm on your desk in your writ­ing room.

Okie dokie!

As my Juni­or high school Home Ec teach­er poin­ted out to the whole class… Krista does not fol­low instruc­tions well.