I was given as a gift a burner thingie: It is round, it has a switch, and gets warm. Now, the packaging says it’s for a scented candle. You put the candle on the burner thingie and it warms up enough to send the scent around the room. I guess like aromatherapy, or an air freshener, or something. The packaging says in no uncertain terms that this is NOT to be used for a cup of coffee. I wanna know why they think it’s totally safe to put a candle, you know, made of WAX, on an electric burner that, you know, heats up, which *could* have a certain effect on a candle, made of WAX… but you know, don’t you dare put a cup of coffee on there to keep warm on your desk in your writing room.
Okie dokie!
As my Junior high school Home Ec teacher pointed out to the whole class… Krista does not follow instructions well.