finally saw it!
finally saw it!

finally saw it!

So you may remem­ber months ago I talked about how Matt and I spend our wed­ding anniversary (no, this is not our anniversary, it was months ago, remem­ber?) I told you about how we show up at a mul­ti­plex movie theatre at a ran­dom time and see the next movie that’s about to start. In this way we have seen many romantic favour­ites like Inside Out, Signs and Expend­ables 2. The very first time we ever spent our anniversary this way, we saw Jack­ie Chan and Chris Tuck­er in Rush Hour 2. I am thrilled to announce that the oth­er night, after all these years, we finally saw the first movie, Rush Hour. Had nev­er seen it before. So… Yay! Now, I still need to see the full array of Expend­ables movies. Man, Expend­ables 2 was hilarious!