It’s… cake…
It’s… cake…

It’s… cake…

A couple of times I’ve woken up too early in the morn­ing, sorta pan­ick­ing about the pod­cast, you know, mak­ing sure I have some­thing fun to fill the gap after Gate­keep­er while I’m fin­ish­ing up pol­ish­ing Griffin. I wake up think­ing, “Oh no! What am I gonna do?”

And then I remembered back in the day, not long after we were mar­ried, def­in­itely pre-kids, when I worked for a bakery. It was a bak­ing com­pany, you know, the one who makes Nanaimo bars and but­ter tart bars, and stru­del and oth­er kinds of stuff for the big gro­cery chains. I did fil­ing and so forth in the account­ing depart­ment, and there were all these sales guys who wore busi­ness suits and over­coats and had cell phones (this is nigh-on 30 years ago, remem­ber, so not every­body had a cell phone, and these things were rather …weighty).

In any event these sales fel­las were a bit self-import­ant, and highly strung, and would always be in high-stress mode, and racing off to meet­ings hith­er and thith­er, and this one day one guy was kind of abrupt with my co-work­er, “We are three days behind on this stuff, and we need it done now now now! I have to go I’m gonna be late,” and tears off, and after he left, she turns to me and says, “You know? He’s all stressed out and wound up and I want to point out to the guy: “We sell cake.” It’s really weird that these guys are so full of them­selves and worked up… over dessert.”

I think of that story every time I need a remind­er about my priorities.