So if you’re following on social media, you probably know that I hit Publish on Gatekeeper’s Deception part II — Deceived. At the time of writing this it has not finished going through QC, but keep poking around on Chirp and Apple Books and Google Play etc, and consider purchasing it for the audiobook lovers in your life. Failing that, you can always help me out by giving my books a review, or even just some stars on Goodreads. It really is helpful to writers to show other readers that you are enjoying our work, so please take a moment and make a comment on all your favourite social media platforms and tell everyone you know how much you enjoy my work! Y’know, the podcast is a great hobby…
That’s my mercenary moment. Thanks for your support!
Anyhoo.… We had to take the car in because some sensor was going awry. Matt called them on a Friday to make an appointment, and the openings they had on Tuesday and Wednesday didn’t work for him, so he booked for Thursday. By the end of Friday, the car did not feel safe to drive, so he took it in, so they could have a look as soon as possible. Despite their having openings on Tuesday and Wednesday they didn’t get to it til the Thursday appointment. Anyway the work got done and all, and the service was fine, but not stellar. When Matt was picking it up and paying for it, the service person said we would be sent a survey, and it sure would be great if we would give everything a 10 out of 10. Have you ever been told that? Told you would be sent a survey, and also told what answers to give? Kind of annoying. The other service person added, that yeah, basically anything below a 10 is a fail.
So the survey arrived and we spent quite some time filling it out, and let me tell you, no category received a 10. How they possibly think that every single thing about this experience was so beyond perfect that they should get “Extremely Satisfied!” as a response? In all the comment sections we gave them constructive feedback on the service, and added at the end, Y’know, none of this is a really big deal, but you asked the question, so we’re answering.
And then we gave them some feedback on the survey itself. What is the point of a survey if you are actually asking me to give you 10 out of 10 on everything? And further, what is the point of a survey being out of 10, if 9 is a fail?
I hope they do call and follow up so we can have this conversation.
Believe me, I recognize how First World this problem is. End of… well, it’s not quite a rant, it’s more of a … Hunh?