The wedding gig as vague inspiration
The wedding gig as vague inspiration

The wedding gig as vague inspiration

Griffin and the Spuri­ous Cor­rel­a­tions begins with an incid­ent at a wed­ding gig. It was inspired by a much less event­ful incid­ent at a gig… It was a Christ­mas party, and our lead play­er was um… rather highly… ener­gized… by some weird things he con­sumed, and though he did­n’t launch into a thrash­er solo he did give a speech between songs, and he kind of kept on and on and would­n’t shut up and we even­tu­ally had to coax him away from the micro­phone, and then we went on and played. There were no insults, we did­n’t get fired, we still got paid, we still played into the wee hours. I just find it inter­est­ing to exam­ine the pro­cess, to think about where stor­ies come from. Where did the rest of it come from? I have no idea! I do know that the title came shortly after I wrote the first chapter. At that point I still had­n’t a clue what was com­ing up in the story. There was an incid­ent at a wed­ding gig, and then the title, and then… the rest of the story.