Meeting with the Specialist… or not
Meeting with the Specialist… or not

Meeting with the Specialist… or not

Matt had a tele­phone appoint­ment booked with a spe­cial­ist for one day last week. Now, he has had a bad ankle since well before the New Year, and he had a spe­cial­ist appt back in… March or April. He showed up for that appt, and the per­son at the front desk said, “Oh. We can­celled all his appts the oth­er day because he’s really sick.” Now… that’s annoy­ing, but what are you gonna do? It’s irk­some to have fallen through the cracks in their com­mu­nic­a­tion, but… there you go. So his doc­tor got him a new appt with a dif­fer­ent spe­cial­ist. This was a tele­phone appt, so the day before, the office called and con­firmed which phone num­ber the doc should use, and Matt worked from home so to avoid any inter­rup­tions. The appt was sched­uled for 2:30. 5 or 6 minutes after 2 Matt goes to the bath­room, so he does­n’t have to pee dur­ing the 2:30 appt.

At 2:08, while Mat­t’s away from his phone, the bloody doc­tor calls. 22 minutes early. Now, if what he said on the phone was, “Hey, it’s Dr. soandso, I was ready early so thought I’d give you a call, I will try again at our appt time in 20 minutes.” That would be fine. Did he do that? Would I be telling this story if he had?

No. Dude has the nerve to call 22 minutes early, and say, “You have missed your appoint­ment, and will have to rebook.”

Matt was, I think it’s fair to say, incensed.

And of course there’s no call­back inform­a­tion saved in the phone because spe­cial­ists are all, like, secret and stuff, so his only option was to call the fam­ily doc­tor, who even­tu­ally got back and gave him a phone num­ber and email, and of course the spe­cial­ist office closed at 3.

He sent an email and ulti­mately he has been rebooked for an in-per­son appt. But not for anoth­er month. And at no time did any­one from the spe­cial­ist office apo­lo­gise or acknow­ledge that it was a shitty move on the part of the doctor.

*sigh* Matt, being the philo­soph­ic­al sort of fel­low he is, is ok with this, since prob­ably what would have happened in the tele­phone appt would be the book­ing of an in-per­son vis­it, and that’s what he’s getting.

But it’s freakin’ frus­trat­ing, and I’ve com­men­ted before on people tak­ing respons­ib­il­ity for their mis­takes, and the dif­fer­ence it makes to have someone acknow­ledge, and apologise.

How dif­fi­cult is that?