We went to a barbecue the other night! Holy cow it was so nice to see everybody, and to have that many people all together… Hosted by Rob and Doug, with Matt’s brother and family, and our brother-in-law, and a friend of his… Matt and I of course, our kids couldn’t be there. So just eleven people, mostly outdoors… Just… so great to see everyone and be at a social event! In the days leading up to it my buddy Rob and I were tossing ideas around, and I said I would bring fruit salad. He said, and it’s fruit season! and I said, “dang, there goes the idea of using all canned fruit (kidding of course… fruit salad from canned fruit is not what I had in mind). This got us reminiscing about family dinners, and special desserts on special occasions, from canned pears or peaches with ice cream, to ice cream with a spoonful of Creme de menthe! And how when I was… I dunno 10? 12? My folks started giving me a small glass of wine with dinner when we had “fancy” dinners.
So a fancy dinner meant roast chicken, or roast beef, or beef stroganoff … some meal that was a bit more interesting than the standard everyday fare. You could tell when it was a “fancy” dinner, because my dad would carry the table from the kitchen through to the dining room, coz when I was little we didn’t have a dining room table. With the table in the dining room, it would then get a tablecloth and the nice place mats, and we would put special music on the record player, most often this multiple record album of Classical waltzes… that was the “fancy dinner” music.
Ah yes… the simple pleasures of childhood!