When Words Collide — Day Two
When Words Collide — Day Two

When Words Collide — Day Two

I felt much bet­ter on Day Two than I did the day before. A bit more relaxed… I mean, I was nervous in the hour lead­ing up to my pan­el, but it was­n’t debil­it­at­ing anxi­ety all day.

I atten­ded sev­er­al inter­est­ing pan­els, and my own, Let the Char­ac­ters Tell the Story, went really well. There was no des­ig­nated mod­er­at­or, so I took it on, with the under­stand­ing that really, all I was going to do was dir­ect traffic, make sure every­one got a chance to speak. Of course there’s always a little bit of men­tal ath­let­ics to find talk­ing points, and sift through the chat for actu­al ques­tions, but as a group my fel­low pan­el­lists (Su J. Sokol, Claire McCague and Mer­ilyn Ruth Lid­dell) and I kept things lively and inter­est­ing. Over­all it was a fun panel.

Then I watched two foot­ball games, includ­ing my Saskat­chewan Roughriders, to wind down.

Day Three, the final day, is approaching.

If you’re attend­ing the fest­iv­al, I hope you’re hav­ing a smash­ing time!