You saw who?? She had no idea
You saw who?? She had no idea

You saw who?? She had no idea

My bril­liant web­maven, Stephanie got me all set up with my new news­let­ter pro­gram, which works through my web­site, so I don’t have to do it manu­ally. That means it’s much easi­er for YOU to receive my news­let­ter too. Just go to and click the three lines in the top right-hand corner. You’ll see a list of options, one of which is… sub­scribe! Easy peasy.

Here’s a story that seems appro­pri­ate, about a friend who had no idea how amaz­ing her exper­i­ence was. This happened years ago. My co-work­er Shan­non had just come home from a trip to New York with her mum, and she told me about going to a club and hear­ing some mind-blow­ing music. She described it like this: “We went to this club, and there was this old guy play­ing gui­tar and he was really good, the music was amaz­ing. And he was like really old, but he was still super good, his fin­gers were fly­ing. His name was Les Paul, and we stayed the whole even­ing, and it was so good.” I stopped her, and said, “What, now? You actu­ally saw Les Paul?” She had no idea what she had just exper­i­enced. I explained to her that Les Paul inven­ted the elec­tric gui­tar! as well as things like over­dub­bing and delay effects, and mul­ti­track record­ing. Damn right he was old. He died in 2009 at the age of 94, so I’m pretty sure she saw him per­form pretty close to the end. Any­way, she had a new appre­ci­ation for the fella she had seen after that conversation.