Welcome to Sunday morning on a writing retreat. A groggy Sunday after being awake at 5:30 for a chunk of time and then falling asleep again. Sometimes I think it would be better to just stay up, but then I’d definitely need a nap later. Instead I fell asleep and dreamt about staying up, so in a way I got to do both.
On Wednesday I walked on the ferry and Jonathan picked me up on the Island, and we went back to his place and I hung out with Myst while he packed. Myst filled me in on all her plant stuff (she does plant stuff), we had smoothies for lunch and then J and I hit the grocery store to load up on provisions. Then off we went.
There were about seven people here to start with, with a few others trickling in. I think we’re up to fifteen now. Everyone has a spot to write, either in their rooms, or somewhere in the great room, and we each take care of our own meals in the sizeable kitchen, though be careful with those burners on the stove, coz they have minds of their own. We gather for mild aerobics at 10 am, and at 8 pm to go through everyone’s progress. Not a ton of detail–no souls bared, but a reminder of what our goal for the day was, whether we got it, and what we did do if we didn’t. Lots of laughs, no being sent to the stocks if you didn’t hit your target. Nice and quiet here (except when folks get chatting downstairs).
The only trouble with a writing retreat like this, especially as an introvert, is that the coffee is downstairs in that big kitchen. I *could* bring a coffee maker for my room, but then I’d also need a little fridge for cream. It’s kind of like running the gauntlet, where I have to cringe my way in, grab coffee, and get out without being rude to anyone. I think I have managed not to be rude, though I’m certain I have not managed friendly.
I’m getting lots done: I got quite a lot done on day one, had a bit of a setback on day two where I started overthinking things and getting in my own way. But I wrote 4000 words yesterday! That’s a new record for me. I am really close to finishing the draft of this book! This, which you know if you’re following me, is the final book of the Gatekeeper series. It has been a long time coming. My goal on this retreat is to FINISH THIS BOOK.
This does not mean it will be set to publish. Once all the words are down I will need to make sure they are in the right order, so to speak. Heh. Scenes might have to be rearranged, and through the reread/rearrange I will come across transitions that have to be written or smoothed over, and I’m certain there will be other bits I’ll have to write. But the main scene work will be covered. Then I ought to have a solid book.
Now, don’t get excited yet. Coz then I have to set it aside for a bit to let the writer part of me forget about it, and move on to something else. I will need to come back to it with my fresh, editor eyes and mind firmly in place, so that I can find all the flaws.
For now, I’m going to end this and get back at it.
PS The other problem with a retreat like this, where we take care of our own food, is that sometimes people get mixed up about whose foodstuffs are whose, and wind up eating all our eggs.