A post to keep you posted
A post to keep you posted

A post to keep you posted

I feel like I should keep you pos­ted on my pro­gress with the final book. No spoil­ers, don’t worry. I had a break­through last week, and real­ised a mis­take I was mak­ing, where a char­ac­ter appeared at the wrong point in the book. So I’ve pulled that char­ac­ter out, and I’m now going through and chan­ging the things that are affected by that. Then I have to add that char­ac­ter in the new loc­a­tion of the story. Actu­ally, it’s kind of cool because it means I can use some scenes I wrote years ago, which I had cut because they did­n’t work, so.… yay!

I am hope­ful that once I go through and smooth over these sec­tions that are affected by the change I will be able to push through to the end smoothly, kind of like the way Gate­keep­er­’s Decep­tion came togeth­er. I am chug­ging away at it and get­ting closer, and I hope, I hope, I hope that you under­stand how import­ant it is to me to get it right, to close all the gaps, to tie up all the loose ends and make it a supremely sat­is­fy­ing end­ing. I’m also con­scious of the time, in that I will be fin­ished pod­cast­ing GD in early June. Even if I fin­ish writ­ing the final book by then it will still need edit­ing and revi­sions, so… Acch! Pressure.

Oh! and I’m going to be a guest on a couple of dif­fer­ent pod­casts com­ing up, so stay tuned for details on that.