Reasons to Celebrate
Reasons to Celebrate

Reasons to Celebrate

Ok, it feels bet­ter to move on to oth­er note­worthy bits in a sep­ar­ate post. Recent reas­ons to celebrate:

I am hon­oured to have been chosen by author/actor CC Humphreys (whose work I admire) as the win­ner of the Raven Cov­er Story con­test with Pulp Lit­er­at­ure Magazine. My story, The Inner Light, will come out in both print and online form in their Spring issue #6 in March/April. Not only is it a con­test win, but it’s a pub­lic­a­tion cred­it, and I won some money, to boot! I am so glad I vis­ited their table at VCon…

Ah yes, I went to VCon for the first time in Octo­ber 2013. Why have I nev­er gone before? I am not sure, but it won’t hap­pen again.

Both Nor­wescon and Mis­Con last spring were incred­ible. Nor­wescon was my first ever Fan Con, and I was abso­lutely blown away by the cos­tumes! I have atten­ded World Fantasy Con three times, and cos­tumes aren’t the thing there, so this was just amaz­ing. Very impress­ive. I also met some new fab­ulous people to add to my ever-grow­ing writ­ing com­munity. Mis­Con was awe­some. Smal­ler than Nor­wescon, with a bit more of an intim­ate feel­ing, though still tons of cool things to do. I fired a cross­bow (look­ing not nearly as cool while I did so as I thought I should), and drank mar­vel­lous single malt with Steven Erikson, about which my friend Rob is incred­ibly jeal­ous. Also hung out with Patrick Swen­son and Mark Teppo, and received amaz­ingly pos­it­ive com­ments on Dark Elf’s War­ri­or from Ken Scholes and Sheila Gil­bert in the Writers’ Work­shop. I will be at both these Cons again this year.

Last bit for today… I have been cast as Mrs. Pearce in My Fair Lady, with Roy­al City Music­al Theatre. It goes up in April. This is going to be a very busy few months!