Griffin and the Creative Process
Griffin and the Creative Process

Griffin and the Creative Process

So Griffin and the Spuri­ous Cor­rel­a­tions is now going out to beta read­ers. This is my con­tem­por­ary humour fantasy romance, which I will be pod­cast­ing next after Gate­keep­er­’s Decep­tion, because the final book in the Gate­keep­er series is not fin­ished. It’s com­ing along, though! I keep chan­ging my mind about stuff though. I added a char­ac­ter back in, for one thing. I had cut her, but decided she is awe­some so … Well, I kept com­ing across the scenes I had writ­ten with her in them, and it was like she was tap­ping me on the shoulder, going… tap tap tap… Krista, I wanna be in the book.… tap tap tap… hello… I wanna be in the book… So I was like, ok fine. But you have to prove your­self, and do some­thing awe­some. And she’s like, “Watch me.” Well, okay.

Mean­while, Griffin is hil­ari­ous and stress­ful. I’m not sure I have the build up of ten­sion quite right, but cer­tainly the lead up to the cli­max and the rest of it is kinda relent­less. It’s so weird how stor­ies come about. Griffin happened because of one incid­ent with a lead gui­tar­ist I used to play with in a band. One tiny thing that happened, that isn’t even por­trayed in the book the way it actu­ally happened. I mag­ni­fied it greatly. And then the rest of this crazy weird story filled itself. The cre­at­ive pro­cess is so fun!