It’s my first time, eh?
It’s my first time, eh?

It’s my first time, eh?

Here goes. Wel­come to my blog. We’ll see how much fun I have, and how much of my lim­ited time it uses up! 

It’s a writ­ing day, today, which means I’m not booked to do oth­er work else­where. I’ve star­ted out by cre­at­ing this blog, so that counts as writ­ing-related work. Yes­ter­day I had some bonus writ­ing time, between work­ing and meet­ing my step-sis­ter-in-law for din­ner before going to work again. I sat in the bright and beau­ti­ful atri­um of the Health Sci­ences build­ing out at UBC, and wrote for a couple of hours.

What am I work­ing on right now? I’m con­tinu­ing to revise, as well as mar­ket, my first fantasy nov­el, cur­rently titled Dark Elf’s War­ri­or, which was a final­ist in this year’s PNWA writ­ing con­test. (Hoo­ray!!!!) I con­tin­ue to revise because to my mind, it’s a work in pro­gress until such time as it is pub­lished and on book­store shelves. But I’m mar­ket­ing because it’s awfully easy to hold onto some­thing forever because it’s not “per­fect” yet. 

I’m look­ing for­ward to revis­ing the sequel, (the Ser­pent and the Sage… or maybe Dark Elf’s War­ri­or: Decep­tion, I don’t know which is bet­ter. And it’ll prob­ably change later any­way). I’m look­ing for­ward to it, because I’ve learned so much in recent years and have fixed up book one so much that I want to apply all those things to book two!

My new pro­ject is what I call a Mod­ern Fantasy. The term Urb­an Fantasy seems to indic­ate were­wolves and vam­pires and so forth, which is entirely inac­cur­ate for this one. It’s simply a fantasy that takes place right here and now. It’s about a girl named Griffin, who’s dying for val­id­a­tion as a musi­cian, (she’s a gui­tar­ist), as well as a decent rela­tion­ship.  Her Big Chance to make a good impres­sion is ruined by an ex-boy­friend’s drug-induced thrash­er solo accom­pan­ied by many insults and explet­ives. But then she meets Ricken­back­er Topi­ary, a man­ager of the Sala­man­der House of Music and Pud­ding, who is also a self-pro­claimed Find­er of People and Things. He prom­ises to find her the lead gui­tar­ist of her dreams. Which he does. And that’s the begin­ning of a most bizarre peri­od of life for Griffin…

I’m hav­ing great fun writ­ing this story. It’s funny and crazy and because lan­guage is not lim­ited by the medi­ev­al-ish world of my first two books, I’m find­ing that simile, and meta­phor­ic­al descript­ive pas­sages are com­ing much more eas­ily than ever before. I’m get­ting great feed­back and ter­rif­ic reac­tions from my writer friends, and my writ­ing part­ner Ron is grilling me for more detail, for­cing me to think of back­ground info I haven’t thought of yet, mainly because I’m writ­ing off the top of my head. Fun stuff, anyway.

Ok, I think that’s prob­ably enough for the first one. It’s time for lunch, and then I must get back to find­ing out what’s going on in Griffin’s life, poor thing, inno­cent vic­tim that she is. 

One comment

  1. Myst deVana

    Inno­cent vic­tim, my ass. Griffin is no ‘to-be-done-to’ char­ac­ter! I will admit you ARE hard on your char­ac­ters, but this is what lets them show their depth and keeps your inno­cent read­ers orbit­ing in that ever-tight­en­ing spir­al of fantasy addic­tion. Gratz on the the blog start, wench. I look for­ward to arguing with you in a whole new medi­um! Grin.

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