Exploring the Unknown
Exploring the Unknown

Exploring the Unknown

Jump­ing into the pool: world of the web. More like the big scary ocean. I am afraid of drown­ing, get­ting hypo­ther­mia and being stung by jelly­fish, not neces­sar­ily in that order. 

Heh. Ok, so I have two domain names, which I pur­chased last sum­mer with the idea of cre­at­ing a web­site. Easi­er said than done, when you have as much know­ledge of this as I have. Which is none. I might as well be step­ping into a front-end load­er and try­ing to dig a hole. Actu­ally, I’d prob­ably be able to fig­ure that out.  

Why is this so scary? It just means learn­ing it. Same as I did­n’t know how to use Excel a long time ago, and now it’s a piece of cake. And Face­book. I used to be scared of Face­book. And then I got Face­book les­sons from Sue. Actu­ally Face­book is kind of bor­ing, when it comes right down to it.

Point is, I guess I need les­sons in set­ting up a web­site, too. I need someone to hold my hand and sit with me while I fol­low the steps. Someone who won’t mind if I phone them six times a day to say, “How do I do that?

This must be what my mom felt like when she was first learn­ing to use a com­puter. She’d been a sec­ret­ary all her work­ing life, and knew how to type stuff like crazy, with a 700 word per minute aver­age speed. But then tech­no­logy took over and she had to learn how to use a com­puter. Then it was­n’t so much about typ­ing let­ters as it was about click­ing and drag­ging and but­tons and short­cuts… She even­tu­ally figured out most stuff, but still phones me once in a while won­der­ing how to fix some­thing that screwed up. [now that she has a Mac I hardly ever hear from her any­more, same as my bro-in-law said about me when I got mine]

I guess I’ll even­tu­ally get this figured out, too, but I’ve dipped my toe in and it’s freez­ing cold. I need some scuba gear.