Once again I learned a ton at the Surrey International Writers’ Conference.
~Some helpful comments from Elizabeth Lyon on my short story, To Serve and Protect, so I can begin readying it for submission.
~Learned how to Tweet.
~Met two new friends, in spite of dreading having to meet new people: Brenda Cox and Daryl Baswick.
~Claire Eddy from Tor requested my MS, so there’s a toe in the door.
~Enjoyed workshops by Diana Gabaldon (backstory) and Robert J. Sawyer (Showing, not Telling). Mostly confirmation of stuff I already knew, but I always benefit from reminders.
~Much more.
~Too many carbs on the buffet tables, have to say… Ate lots of salad and meat.
~Have decided on a focus for my blog, so I will strive for regularity. Heh.