Foraging for food, crisis or not!
Foraging for food, crisis or not!

Foraging for food, crisis or not!

Look­ing for inter­est­ing things to eat? Par­tic­u­larly veget­ables and greens… I think this is so cool. There are all kinds of plants sur­round­ing us that we can use in cook­ing! Myst has tons of pas­sion­ate plant know­ledge to share. She for­ages plants, and a loc­al hotel uses them on their menu!

This site is pretty new, so I look for­ward to read­ing more as she adds it! Check it out, and I hope you find some edible plants in your envir­on­ment. I am excited about mak­ing hum­mus out of bit­ter­cress! Coz I KNOW I have that in my yard in abundance…

Happy for­aging, and happy eating!