You know what’s a good thing about this pandemic? Our local government recognises that if you’re going to hang out and socialise with friends, outdoors is safer than indoors. With that in mind they started a pilot project where we can drink alcohol in the park. They chose six parks throughout the city, and one of them happens to be the park riiiight there through the trees by my house. So we go over there with our drinks and sit there a chit chat, the same way we would do at home or at our friends’ houses. “Look!” we say, “Look how responsible we adults are! Not being rowdy, and not throwing garbage all over. We have our visit with our adult beverages, and then we go home!” Our alcohol consumption laws here in BC are so goofy and archaic, that we’re proud of being allowed to show that we can consume adult beverages responsibly in a public place! I like our local government though, for not overthinking the thing. I mean if it doesn’t work, if too many people are twits, then they can shut it down, but why not give people the chance to give it a go?
*** update *** Well the responsible adults did their duty and now the rule is formal no longer a pilot project. Go us!