Bloody decent and about bloody time I’d say.
Bloody decent and about bloody time I’d say.

Bloody decent and about bloody time I’d say.

You know what’s a good thing about this pan­dem­ic? Our loc­al gov­ern­ment recog­nises that if you’re going to hang out and social­ise with friends, out­doors is safer than indoors. With that in mind they star­ted a pilot pro­ject where we can drink alco­hol in the park. They chose six parks through­out the city, and one of them hap­pens to be the park riiiight there through the trees by my house. So we go over there with our drinks and sit there a chit chat, the same way we would do at home or at our friends’ houses. “Look!” we say, “Look how respons­ible we adults are! Not being rowdy, and not throw­ing garbage all over. We have our vis­it with our adult bever­ages, and then we go home!” Our alco­hol con­sump­tion laws here in BC are so goofy and archa­ic, that we’re proud of being allowed to show that we can con­sume adult bever­ages respons­ibly in a pub­lic place! I like our loc­al gov­ern­ment though, for not overthink­ing the thing. I mean if it does­n’t work, if too many people are twits, then they can shut it down, but why not give people the chance to give it a go?


*** update *** Well the respons­ible adults did their duty and now the rule is form­al no longer a pilot pro­ject. Go us!