Smells like pumpkin around here
Smells like pumpkin around here

Smells like pumpkin around here

If you’re fol­low­ing me on Twit­ter or face­book you will know that the audiobook, Gate­keep­er­’s Key, is now avail­able on sev­er­al plat­forms, which is tre­mend­ously exciting!

So it’s Thanks­giv­ing this week­end, and my house smells like the pump­kin I am cook­ing down for pie. Here’s a little thing my fam­ily knows about me, as do the audi­ence mem­bers of our play, All These People Watch­ing: I love pie. In fact, when we were writ­ing the play, I insisted that I get a scene where all I do is enter the stage with a plate of pie, stop at centre stage, eat a bite, and say, “I love pie.” And that, my friends, is the beauty of writ­ing your own stuff. Some day you will be listen­ing to one of my stor­ies and there will be a scene where some char­ac­ter or oth­er says, “I love pie,” and you will say, “Aha! I know where that came from.”

So happy Thanks­giv­ing! I tend to take time fairly fre­quently to acknow­ledge all the things I’m thank­ful for, but cer­tainly at this time of year, and I don’t want to sound sac­char­ine, but I feel like this pan­dem­ic has really made me focus on this stuff, and appre­ci­ate it even more: fam­ily and friends of course, good food, good books, good music. The tech­no­logy that allows me to not only do a pod­cast, but to have employ­ment dur­ing this sur­real time. Uni­ver­sal health care. I appre­ci­ate the fed­er­al and pro­vin­cial gov­ern­ments giv­ing fin­an­cial assist­ance to those who need it dur­ing this pan­dem­ic. I’m thank­ful for the right to vote. I won’t go on, but believe me the list is long.