TV Math be like: fall in lake = sick
TV Math be like: fall in lake = sick

TV Math be like: fall in lake = sick

Have you noticed on TV or in movies that whenev­er char­ac­ter is out in the rain and gets wet and cold, the next scene is inev­it­ably of them wrapped in a blanket in front of a fire, drink­ing a hot bever­age and sneez­ing. And Matt and I yell at the TV, “You don’t get colds that way!” A cold is… a vir­us. And I’m here to prove this point: Due to Cov­id I have been wash­ing my hands like crazy, and haven’t been near any­body in so long… As a res­ult not only have I not had Cov­id, I also haven’t even had a cold. TV would have us believe that we get a cold any time we are out­side, par­tic­u­larly if it is rainy, now it rains here a lot and I have nev­er got­ten a cold just by get­ting wet in the rain.