Delayed gratification…worth it!
Delayed gratification…worth it!

Delayed gratification…worth it!

Yes­ter­day I was read­ing a book and it was nearly time to close it and get going with oth­er things. I was approach­ing the cli­max of the story, you know, the point where they carry out the plan and they will either suc­ceed and all will be well, or fail and be dead. I had a choice: I could keep read­ing and fin­ish the book but risk being inter­rup­ted in the middle of the Big Scene, or… and I will not keep you in sus­pense, this is the choice I made… Stop read­ing and save it until anoth­er time in the day when all the things are done, and I know I will be able to sit there and read without being inter­rup­ted. It’s a clas­sic example of delayed grat­i­fic­a­tion. And it’s worth it.