Happy Birthday [Totally Fantastic Title]!
Happy Birthday [Totally Fantastic Title]!

Happy Birthday [Totally Fantastic Title]!

Do you real­ise this is the one year anniversary of Totally Fant­ast­ic Title? I can­not believe it has been a year, and yet it has also been well over a year that we’ve been hunk­er­ing down and keep­ing a safe dis­tance from people, and our industry shut its doors. I was think­ing of doing some­thing inter­est­ing for this epis­ode. An inter­view, some sort of fun…thing. But I did­n’t. And that’s ok.

It’s enough that I am still doing this. That I’m still cre­at­ing. That has been really hard for some people I know, fel­low artists and cre­at­ors. There’s always so much emphas­is on being pro­duct­ive, on achiev­ing goals. Those are the things we tend to cel­eb­rate and con­grat­u­late each oth­er for. But we’re all tired. I’m tired. It’s like when my kids were babies, and each day was such a slog. The things I con­grat­u­lated myself for were… I had a shower. And it was before 4:00 in the after­noon! I ate a decent lunch. I had a nap.

I have to remind myself that time spent doing NOTHING is time well spent. Tak­ing care of your­self is time well spent. So… I did­n’t do any­thing spe­cial for the pod­cast’s birth­day. Happy birth­day, Totally Fant­ast­ic Title. See? It for­gives me.