Cons are returning!
Cons are returning!

Cons are returning!

Well… kind of.

When Words Col­lide is approach­ing! Aug. 13 — 15

It is once again an online event, though it seems they’re man­aging to have a ban­quet… Hmmm.… Methinks I need to look into this fur­ther. Still, I will be involved in sev­er­al pan­els dur­ing the weekend:

(All times are Moun­tain time, which is just as much a note for me as for anyone.)

Fri­day 4 PM — Over­com­ing Imposter Syndrome

Fri­day 5 PM — Make Them Laugh: Inject­ing Humour into all Forms of Fiction

Sat­urday 3 PM — Let the Char­ac­ters Tell the Story

Sunday 10 AM — Audiobooks: A New Chapter for Writers

Sunday 12 PM — Char­ac­ter Motiv­a­tions — They Must Have a Reas­on for What They Do

Sunday 2 PM — Live Action Slush – His­tor­ic­al Edi­tion [Read­er]

Regis­tra­tion is FREE, so be sure to join in. So many amaz­ing pan­els and dis­cus­sions and work­shops to enjoy. See you there!