I just read a story that ticked me off. And it wasn’t in the “the author affected you, they did their job,” kind of way. I understand what that feels like. It might feel uncomfortable, but I know it’s ultimately because the author made me feel something. Nah, this one was more in the way of, “Wow, another story in which a woman is treated like crap, but doesn’t get her own back at the end.” (This one happened to be about a woman, but you could insert any kind of character in there: any person who is treated like crap because the other characters invent prejudices and reasons to hate them). At least if the victimized character somehow turned things around for herself and changed people’s minds about her I’d be able to cheer.
But no, it just kind of ended. I’m tired of stories like that. Her only ally died and she was left alone with a bunch of people who still have their hate-on for her, and all it did was make me ask, “What was the point of that?”
And it was the cover story on this magazine, too. Why? Ugh.