Plot Fatigue — a story that ticked me off
Plot Fatigue — a story that ticked me off

Plot Fatigue — a story that ticked me off

I just read a story that ticked me off. And it was­n’t in the “the author affected you, they did their job,” kind of way. I under­stand what that feels like. It might feel uncom­fort­able, but I know it’s ulti­mately because the author made me feel some­thing. Nah, this one was more in the way of, “Wow, anoth­er story in which a woman is treated like crap, but does­n’t get her own back at the end.” (This one happened to be about a woman, but you could insert any kind of char­ac­ter in there: any per­son who is treated like crap because the oth­er char­ac­ters invent pre­ju­dices and reas­ons to hate them). At least if the vic­tim­ized char­ac­ter some­how turned things around for her­self and changed people’s minds about her I’d be able to cheer.

But no, it just kind of ended. I’m tired of stor­ies like that. Her only ally died and she was left alone with a bunch of people who still have their hate-on for her, and all it did was make me ask, “What was the point of that?”

And it was the cov­er story on this magazine, too. Why? Ugh.