A listener got in touch with me last week. They said, “I loved your editorial comments about Phennil getting a backbone. You sounded so proud of him yet somewhat surprised that he had it in him. I found that very funny, given that he’s a figment of your imagination and all.”
I hadn’t really even thought of that! I *am* proud of him!
This goes back to Chats With Cool Folk #1, https://totallyfantastictitle.podbean.com/e/19-chats-with-cool-folk-1-jonathan-sean-lyster/ where Jonathan Lyster and I talk about how the characters will tell you what they need and very often do stuff that we as writers didn’t plan. True, sometimes we need to rein them in and take charge and say, “Before you do that, you need to do THIS,” kind of like telling your kids, “Yes you can watch a movie, but first I would like you to unload the dishwasher.” But with characters you just hope that by the time they’ve completed the task you asked them to do, they will forget about the other thing they wanted to do.
I mean, imagine if Sam Gamgee got up the guts to approach Rosie Cotton BEFORE going off with Frodo… Imagine if he was like, “No, I don’t wanna travel, off you go without me. I’m gonna stay here and hang with this awesome woman who thinks I’m cool.” Tolkien’s like, “That’s great Sam, but I really need you to go off on this adventure and risk your life a few times first, ok? Then you can hang with Rosie.” See? It’s a balanced relationship, kind of like teenagers. Treating them with respect, giving them some free rein but also having expectations of them.
Thanks to the listeners who got in touch with me about last week’s episode, I really appreciate your comments.