Shepherd book lists — a fun way to find books to read!
Shepherd book lists — a fun way to find books to read!

Shepherd book lists — a fun way to find books to read!

A few months ago I was asked to cre­ate a list of “favour­ite” or “best” books for a web­site. The site is called and it’s a really neat way to cat­egor­ize, and look for books you may not know of.

It took me ages to come up with my list. You see it had to be a list of five favour­ite books, or five books that I could say were the best books that fit into a par­tic­u­lar cat­egory, which I had to choose! It was a bal­ance between choos­ing books I wanted to fea­ture, and to find a cat­egory they all fit into, or find­ing a cat­egory I could find books to fit into, if you see the difference.

Once I chose my title, I had to write short pieces on each book to say why I chose them.

At long last I came up with my list:

The best fantasy books with protagonists I’d like to be friends with

You can find the items on my list here:

There are so many to choose from! Like John V. Pet­ro­cel­lis’ list for detect­ing bullshit:

Or Rose­mary McCrack­en’s list of best Cana­dian mysteries:

Take a look, poke around, find some of your favour­ite writers and their lists of Best Books. Have fun!