favourite books
favourite books

3 Favourite Reads of the Year — Shepherd

Want to learn about my 3 favour­ite reads of 2023? Vis­it Shep­herd, a cool site where you can poke around find out what your favour­ite authors are read­ing. You can also find the main list of the top 100 reads of 2023, here, as con­trib­uted to by over 1300 authors! Who knows? You might find the per­fect gem you’ve been wait­ing for.

3 favourite reads of 2023
Krista’s 3 favour­ite reads of 2023

Krista’s Favour­ite Reads of 2023


A fun way to find your next favourite read!

Shep­herd is a new inter­act­ive site where you can find out which books authors love to read, and thereby find books you will want to read! Each author has made a Top Five list in a cat­egory of their choosing.

Here is the link to mine: Krista’s top five fantasy books with prot­ag­on­ists I’d like to be friends with:

Krista’s List

I hope you have fun pok­ing around!

Find books that you will want to read!